Sunday, June 1, 2008

2nd Day of Camp

so, where was i? oh yea... we had a choice to either walk of hire a van 2 drive us 1.5km ... not surprisingly, we decided 2 walk as we would hav 2 pay if we hire a van...

so, we got there in like 15 mins... n we had 2 wait at least 2hours 2 get on the ferry 2 orang utan island... it was... crazy...

the view from the ferry...

the orang utan island is where they just to put it simply, care 4 orang utans... they release the orang utans after they go thru like donno how many stages of training 4 d wild... (suddenly, librarian training dosen't seem so bad...)

after that, we went 2 d eco park... we did the sky-cycle thingie which was pretty awesome, except that keli n leannza took so long n we had 2 wait 4 them...